So I launched my book!
What an experience that was, to be honest I don’t think I have had the chance to really process the experience.
Don’t give up!
The process is something I have written about and one which I think I will keep on coming back to. But I wanted to encourage you to keep on going, because you are nearly there, even when things around you seem to be failing do not give up!
You wouldn’t believe that since officially telling myself that I would launch A Piece of the Pie this summer, every single appliance has broken down in my home.
It started with my oven, then in quick succession the fridge freezer, then the microwave blew up, followed by the dishwasher and then finally yesterday (2. 8.18) my washing machine decided to block up totally then leak all over my kitchen floor.
If I am totally honest, I was half expecting the washing machine to go because it just seemed like the only thing left to completely pack up! I got upset and started to have a mini panic because it really is something that I could do without, being a family of six, I am sure you can imagine the laundry basket, on top of everything else.
I was ok without a dishwasher and microwave and had a back fridge (no freezer) so it was ok, I could keep on going. But the washing machine breaking down was the tipping point, the point where I began to wonder if there was a little appliance destroyer out there set to ruin my resolve and steal my peace?
All at the time when I was trying to launch my debut book, brand new website and begin to really focus on coming out of the shadows.
Nevertheless the launch took place on Sunday the 29th of July 2018 at the AC Hotel by Marriot at the Mailbox in Birmingham.

Delicious raspberry prosecco cocktails

Team work makes the dream work
The guests were greeted by my gorgeous team, delicious raspberry prosecco cocktails, and the sound of music playing gently in the background. I really wanted a relaxing environment suitable for families as well as those who plans to go out afterwards. Nothing too taxing it was Sunday after all.
It wasn’t too long before the place was packed and after being introduced by my husband, I was reading a section from the book and moving into questions and answers.
The night for me was surreal, I have worked hard to even get a copy of the book in my hand! I spent ages telling myself it would be a great read because I still had a little air of self doubt, and here I was launching MY book, it was a moment I pray I will never forget and one which has changed my life forever.
Here’s a few snaps of the evening
Since that day I have spoken at events around relationships, been on the radio and shared more of the story of writing. Within business we are entering a busy time of event management, outreach and consultancy.
Here’s some helpful tools I’ve also developed for you to use, inspired by my own journey that are mentioned in my book – I hope you find them helpful:
The appliances are still out of action, but it just reminds me of how much can be done when we focus and not let the negative distractions of life stop our progress or purpose. I have determined in my mind that I will not stop now, there are people waiting on me to help them!
My name is Sabrina Dennis, I am a wife, mother, author and director, I am fearless, and I am visible.
You can get a copy of my debut book “A Piece of the Pie” by visiting my website