
Success? What is it anyway?

6th November 2018 My Story

On Sunday, I had the pleasure of appearing on BBC WM with Nikki Tapper, the subject matter was single parents, and who is to blame.  For me, it was a little controversial because I am not a single parent nor have I ever been, and so, I caught myself questioning my reason for being on the show! I knew I had to bring a truth and reality, so I found myself sharing tips and thoughts from my book “A Piece ofRead More

Standing In The Rain

30th October 2018 My Story

  I was thinking a lot about my journey into business this week.   I had a flash back of being a little girl around the age of 9 or 10, highlighting the dates on the receipts my mum had kept for her business. Always in business… There were hundreds of them and I would sit there with my little pink highlighter, searching for the dates to highlight them and put them in date order.   I was chatting with my mumRead More

Process – A Picture Speaks A Thousand Words

6th June 2018 A Piece of The Pie

A Picture speaks a thousand words There is a process behind every picture… In the past few weeks we have attended four weddings, a christening and various other social events where being dressed to a high standard and looking the part is almost as important as the vows themselves! This had me thinking, the perception that “I have it all together” or “she looks great, I wonder how she does it?” I felt forced to explain the process behind theRead More

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