Talking about the importance of starting again in life!
It’s been a while since I posted anything on here. I guess I lost interest and then lost my way a bit. So I have decided to start again and revamp myself and my social media channels. For me social media has always been a bit of a bug bear, I am quite a private person, but with social media I feel the pressure, you know the pressure of having something to share. Then I started sharing anything whether it was related to my professional life or not just to ease the pressure I put on myself.
Eventually I stopped posting altogether and retreated back into the shadows, but today is a new day.
Today is the 29th July 2020.
A new start for me and the same day I launched my book,
A Piece of the Pie in 2018.
It’s a significant day in my history, and so today I choose to start again, I have had a revamp!
From today I will post, share and connect with you all but this time things will be a bit different, I am adding some videos to my YouTube Channel, where you can find more about how I have been feeling and what I am up to.
I am writing blogs for my website again (huge round of applause
for myself) which you will be able to find at www.sabrinadennis.org.
I have a couple of new projects coming out too, but I will share more about that nearer the time.
Mostly I am keeping it
because that’s what I believe my social media should be.
So keep an eye on my website and YouTube channel and here on Instagram to really do life with me, as I start again!
No time like the present.
#justsdennis #startagain